Product features

Live report

So that you get an agreement over the meeting conclusions on the spot.

Live task

Ensure the action starts when the meeting ends. Agreed by all.

Aggregate notes
and flipchart

So that you get an agreement over the meeting conclusions on the spot.

Live snap
of shared info

Get a copy of all essential info. And store it with the report for future review.

Fluid organization

No restrictions for externals. Report, tasks, and snaps are stored in the cloud.

live watching

Follow the meeting on screen. Follow the report on another. Or on your tablet.

report editing

Edit some nuances. Add all the late info. Finalize the report, and share it with others.

Personal task

Quick overview of all tasks allocated during all meetings. From all organizations.

Task to meeting

Click and get back to the right report for an ultra-fast memory refresh.

Follow-up meeting

Check the completion of all tasks that were allocated in the last meeting. Ready to start again.

Follow-up of
task completion

Get in touch with everyone who did not complete their task before deadline.

Task workload

Get a rough schedule of all tasks, and shuffle your week until the priorities match.

(*) during a 30 min. free call, we visualize the essence of your organization in Flxion, so you can test-drive within your own reality.

  • Easy to Use
    I don’t know how I could do without Flxion in these strange times. Flxion helps me keep the overview on my work. I can review every meeting online, see what the decision was that lead to a certain task, and clearly understand what is expected from me - and from the others. Moreover, the reports of consecutive meetings are kept together with the tasks, so we can follow-up on tasks that take a bit more time too.
    Mieke Van Snick
  • It’s sooooooo easy
    It is so easy to start live-sharing a meeting report. I open a new report, edit its title, and add the attendants. I either select them from my previous list, or add their e-mail address and ready. They get the invite, accept the terms, and drop into the report at once. They can read the agenda, follow my report writing, debate the nuances, and understand who does what by when before the meeting is over.
    Jan Lagast
  • Yvette Lim
    Setting up frequent meetings is so easy in Flxion
    Flxion helps you set up a meeting, define the agenda, and invite the investor to view the report during the meeting. Add all the info, such as the latest P&L and the updated cash plan. By the end of the meeting, write down all your promises as tasks. Next time, click the “+” button. Add the latest info, review the previous tasks, and even refer back to the old meeting reports in a few clicks.
    Yvette Lim
    Kwik Look
  • Data are stored in Europe
    I really appreciate it that companies store their data in Europe. As a data privacy expert, I am probably more delicate on this matter. But I also see an increasing interest both from authorities and from business people to be careful with their data and to prefer European information systems. Flxion is hosted near the European financial headquarters in Frankfurt (DE) on secure servers, and that is a great plus for me.
    DP Kwadraat
  • Sjoerd De Waal
    Flxion is an ideal tool for synchronous meetings
    Team leads should use Flxion to note the conclusions of, and the reasons behind certain decisions. If they start an asynchronous brainstorm, they can note that decision, add the mindmaps and flipchart pictures to the report, and allocate tasks for further follow-up. This way, the synchronous meeting encapsulates the asynchronous ideation.
    Sjoerd de Waal
  • Yvette Lim
    Why investors should have their startups use Flxion
    Because it is very, very easy to keep track of all the promises from your startups. They each get one stack of reports, that is gradually expanding every time you have a new meeting. All the information stays together all the time. Every meeting has the same agenda. The startup entrepreneur can preload their P&L and cash flow statements, so you start the meeting well prepared.
    Yvette Lim
    Kwik Look
  • Flxion Over De Backer Multi Pro
    No need to login on various IT systems
    As an external project management consultant, I need an immediate access to the team meeting reports of all my clients. But, I do not need access to their corporate IT systems. With Flxion I now have access to the full meeting minutes and the tasks of each of the teams that I coach. And, of course, each team has only access to their own reports - they cannot read the other companies’ reports.
    Ove De Backer
  • Michel Van der Poorten
    Flxion keeps all reports, tasks and handouts together
    Most leaders use a sequence of meetings to progress their projects and duties. Flxion automatically stacks the meetings of the same duty so that all reports, tasks and handouts stay together. From within the meetings, tasks are allocated as agreements, to be followed up by every attendee on a dynamic plan board.

Only pay for leaders
and active users

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Invite guests for free

(*) Monthly subscription for users (VAT excl.).
View all subscriptions on the pricing & ordering page.
During a 30 min. free call, we visualize
the essence of your organization in Flxion,
so you can test-drive within your own reality.