Affliate program
Let’s get teams into action – together
Do you share our purpose ?
Flxion NV is a fluid company creating a fluid network of partners all over Europe. Partners come in many shapes and colours, but they have one thing in common: we all want to help people get their fluid team meetings into action. Too many people are losing too much ineffective time (and get frustrated) in meetings, reports, and taks, without really getting anywhere. Flxion helps to get a smile on the face of collaborators, consultants, team leads, and team members all over Europe. And we need you to help us achieve this goal.

Three different affiliate types for different roles in the client experience
- Network Partner – do you want to open up your network for us, and get us in touch with companies that are innovating their workplace? Are they introducing concepts like fluid teams, self-steering organisation, or just trying to cope with the new challenges of hybrid working? Make your network contacts aware of this great new tool, and get a life-long commission on the subscriptions that are sold via or by you. You don’t need to be a great sales wolf, or a pro-active networker to be a wonderful network affiliate. We’ll help you with tools and text to automate your reaching out, so that you do can reap the contacts. And from there onwards, we’ll help you effectively follow-up to help clients to improve their team collaboration thanks to the Flxion app.
- Advisors & Coaches – are you a team coach, helping teams to better collaborate, take up their responsibilities, create a constructive dialogue, increase their performance and their happiness? Then let’s create a win-win: we help you get new coaching clients by offering you a stage on our media, and you get Flxion introduced and used by companies that need someone to help them get their teams to work well together. On the other hand, if you introduce Flxion with your clients, we also get you both a compensation and a remuneration for helping us make more teams happily working together.
- Integration Partner – many IT systems are not supporting the new ways of working, since they were conceived for the old paradigm of hierarchical command & control. The legacy of corporate IT systems is so huge though, that it would be impossible to replace them with fundamentally new corporate environments. Flxion can be a great compromise, because it helps the keep the existing corporate IT systems in place, and expand them with an app that helps to innovate the workplace. We are welcoming IT partners to help us when clients need a partner to integrate Flxion with their IT systems. And, vice versa, we are here to help IT partners understand how to integrate Flxion in the legacy systems of your clients.
Anything you like in this list? Get in touch and let’s have a virtual coffee about it.
- Network affiliates help to get this product on the eyes of potential clients.
- Services affiliates also coach the client to get their teams work more effectively.
- IT affiliates help us integrate Flxion in the corporate IT systems of major companies.