Hybrid working is “hot”
Now that many companies are keeping their staff members at home, meetings tend to be not that efficient as they used to be. Hybrid working – the combination of home and office work – might seem efficient from a cost perspective, it is not at all as effective. Most meetings actually lead to nowhere. That’s why many companies want to use Flxion as a second channel next to their video meeting app.
In the first press launch week, more than 100 users tried Flxion for free. And they like it. They use zoom or Teams to look at each other and share presentations, and they use Flxion to the side of that to live-share the meeting report, and the tasks. That’s why Flxion users see their company progress at the pace of their meetings.
First focus is on sales managers and consultancy firms
We attracted the first subscriptions from companies who want to use Flxion to get more work done in less time. The first target markets for Flxion are sales managers who want their “video” sales to be more effective, and consultancy firms who want their consultants to take better note of their client needs. Both markets have so-called “fluid” meetings, i.e. meetings in which the users come from different companies, and therefore do not like to share their IT environment. That’s what the name ‘Flxion’ refers to: to get fluid organisations and fluid meetings into action.
New partners
Yesterday, we had our first client sales pitch and several parties have been knocking on the door to partner. What we are actively looking for now, are sales coaches who want to help sales managers get more out of their sales team, by helping them to getting used to the new home working and remote selling conditions.
Feel free to get in touch, via the contact form.